STEP 16: We've written a lot of code. Let's take a moment to test it all!

  • Drag out Go To. Change the arguments in .go_to() from (-100, -50) to (0, -210).
  • Click Run and use the left and right keys on the keyboard to aim the hedgehog.
  • Then tap the spacebar to blast off! Now it code works! We fly into the stars, then return to launch position.

We're supposed to earn points if we hit a star! Click Submit and Next to start adding that code.

To navigate the page using the TAB key, first press ESC to exit the code editor.

stage.set_background("moon") sprite = codesters.Sprite("hedgehog", 0, -210) score = 0 #my_display = codesters.Display(my_var, x, y) score_display = codesters.Display(score, -210, -210) time = 60 #my_display = codesters.Display(my_var, x, y) time_display = codesters.Display(time, 210, -210) def left_key(): rotation = sprite.get_rotation() print(rotation) sprite.set_rotation(rotation+3) # add other actions... stage.event_key("left", left_key) def right_key(): rotation = sprite.get_rotation() print(rotation) sprite.set_rotation(rotation-3) # add other actions... stage.event_key("right", right_key) def interval(): global time time -=1 time_display.update(time) if time % 2 == 0: x = random.randint(-230,230) y = random.randint(0,230) star = codesters.Star(x, y, 5, 20, "yellow") if time == 0: stage.remove_all_events() stage.event_interval(interval, 1) def release_key(sprite): sprite.say("BLAST OFF!", 1, "white") # add other actions... sprite.event_key_release("space", release_key)
  • Run Code
  • Enviar Trabajo
  • Actividad Siguiente
  • Show Console
  • Reset Code Editor
  • Codesters How To (opens in a new tab)